
Saturday, September 21, 2013

New Assistive Technology Blog!!!

My friend and coworker, Stephanie Lancaster, OTR/L has started an assistive technology blog that I'm excited to share with my readers! Not only is Stephanie an amazing OT, she's ATP certified (which means she an Assistive Technology Professional). She has an abundance of practical knowledge to share, and I'm looking forward to reading her posts.

In Stephanie's words, "the mission of the blog is to share information and strategies about the real-life application of products that can be used in the context of assistive technology.  Follow this wonderful blog to learn more about the logistics of specific types of equipment, creative ideas for successful implementation of A.T. devices and materials, and advice on the use of roll-out strategies and troubleshooting for the successful application of materials in the field.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Therapy on a Shoestring Budget- Make a Homemade Marble Maze

This post is the first in a series of posts about "Therapy on a Shoestring Budget." I know first-hand how expensive therapy supplies can be,  so I've decided to share some fun, inexpensive, therapeutic ideas. I hope you find these posts helpful!
Hi Parents and Therapists!
Here is a fun handmade activity that is relatively easy to make. Supplies needed:

Colorful plastic straws
A sturdy piece of cardboard or foam board
Scotch tap
A brightly colored marble
A large Popsicle stick

Draw the outline of a maze on the foam board. Make it simple or complex, based on what you feel will be a "just right challenge" for the child.  Make sure that you leave enough space in the pathways for the marble to travel through. Lay the straws out on top of the maze lines and cut them to the appropriate length (see photo above).  Use Scotch tape to hold the straws in place (I tried a hot-glue gun, but the tape worked better). Use tape to secure the large Popsicle stick on the back side of the foam board to make the handle.  In one corner, write "start" and draw a star or smiley face. At the end of the maze write "end or finish" and draw something like a stop sign or finish line.

Now, it's time to play with the maze! This activity provides a fun way to work on grasping, visual tracking, eye hand coordination, and graded pronation and supination. If the child needs to work on upper extremity strengthening, just add a light weight to his wrist.  Have fun!

Dear Readers, If you have found my blog to be helpful, please "like" my Facebook page and follow my blog...I'm trying to get my book published and this would be a great help! Thanks :) 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Fun Way to Motivate Students!

This is an inspiring story that brought a smile to my face. Thanks to Mr. Chris Manguso, Assistant Principal at Riverdale Elementary School in Germantown, TN for motivating the students to raise money for their school. Our school system is lucky to have such a great role model!!!

Click on the link below to check out the news coverage of Mr. Manguso having his head shaved in front of the students!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Win a Copy of "Retro Baby!!!"

"Put down your smartphone and pick up this book. With plain-spoken, concise wisdom, Dr. Zachry provides vital, research-backed information for parents of young children. Creative, interactive play with other children and adults supports healthy brain development in ways today’s technology never will. "Retro Baby" provides parents fun, money-saving activities that will set their children
up for lifelong success."

Thanks for this wonderful review by:

Mark Bertin, MD, FAAP
Developmental pediatrician, author of The Family ADHD Solution:
A Scientific Approach to Maximizing Your Child’s Attention and Minimizing
Parental Stress, and editorial advisor, Common Sense Media

To win a copy of "Retro Baby," all you have to do is like the "Retro Baby" Facebook Page by clicking HERE, and send me a message explaining why you'd like to win a copy.  The drawing will be in October. Good luck!!!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Carolina Kinder Care Offers Wonderful Videos for Parents

Carolina Kinder Development offers a wide variety of services, including a number of new videos on demand. These lively and engaging videos show parents solid techniques for helping their baby (and baby’s head!) develop during the formative months of life. Check out their helpful parenting Videos on Demand by clicking HERE.

Thanks to Susan at Carolina Kinder Development for sharing these wonderful resources!