
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Squeezing and Placing Clothespins for Strengthening and Color Matching

Squeezing and placing clothespins is a great way to strengthen the small muscles in the thumb, index, and middle finger and improve eye hand coordination, which are both important for handwriting and scissor skills. I like to have the child place the clothespins on a  paint stirrer to address bilateral skills. A great way to add a cognitive demand to the task is to use colored clothespins and wrap corresponding colored tape strips around the paint stirrer, so that the child can match color to color. Have fun!

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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Pixie Cubes are a Great Activity for Visual Perceptual Skills

Pixy Cubes is a great game for children ages 6 and up that addresses a variety of skills, including visual perception. It includes 16 colorful geometrically patterned cubes that can be arranged into different mosaic designs and design cards with patterns to copy.  They are available on Amazon.

Click HERE to read my full review of this game on the PediaStaff Website.