
Sunday, November 25, 2018

Tummy Time Tips!

When your baby is positioned on the stomach to play while supervised, this is considered tummy time.  The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies get supervised tummy time on a daily basis to promote development and prevent flat spots from forming on baby's head.
Here are a few tips on how to introduce tummy time and increase an infant’s tolerance while having fun!
Entertain Baby. If you little one dislike being on her stomach, try entertaining her! Do your best to get baby's mind off of the position. Make eye contact, talk, and sing to baby. Also, play music, read books, or place a mirror in front of her, and the seconds will stretch into minutes!
Face to Face time with Siblings. Have big brother or big sister lie down on the floor close to baby during tummy time. Encourage them to stay at baby's eye level and talk to him or read to him. Siblings love to be helpful!
Have a Schedule. Having a schedule helps you remember tummy time, and baby will likely start to anticipate the routine. Incorporate tummy time into the daily routines, such as towel drying after bath time, after a diaper change, or when applying lotion.  Just remember to never leave your baby’s side during tummy time!

Taken from:

Monday, November 12, 2018

Art by Children with Special Needs!!!

The University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) Rachel Kay Stevens Therapy Center is a student-run, pro bono pediatric occupational therapy clinic serving underinsured and uninsured children from birth to 18 years of age.  Last spring, an amazing art show and auction was held in which artwork submitted by children with special needs was donated, displayed, and auctioned to raise money for the center. The children were so proud to showcase their artistic talents! Attendees were healthcare professionals, artists, family members of UTHSC students, and the families of the children who contributed artwork. The event brought together this  diverse group of people  and showcased the talents and creative expression of children who receive occupational therapy services!  Check out some of the artwork below.