
Evidence-Based Practice

Several years ago I was attending an IEP meeting for a child who received occupational therapy services.  After I’d shared the OT report, the child’s father asked me a question that I’ll never forget.  “How do you know that what you are doing in therapy will benefit my child?”

This was a total “ah-ha” moment for me.  I did my best to answer his question that afternoon, and then I went home and started researching various OT treatment approaches!

As occupational therapists, we often here the term evidence-based practice. This term refers to practice that is client-centered and is supported by quality research studies and clinical expertise.  As an occupational therapist, it is my obligation to critically review the research to ensure that I’m implementing best practices to improve client outcomes.

That is why I’m starting off the New Year with a series of posts with information related to evidence-based practice in occupational therapy!

Photo Credit: Stuart Miles @ Freedigitalphotos.not

Bennett, S. & Bennett J.W. (2000). The process of evidence-based practice in occupational therapy: Informing clinical 
           decisions. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 47, 171-180. 

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