Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Fun Fine Motor Activity

Today I tried an activity that turned out to be great fun, and I'm excited to share it with you. Here's what you'll need:
1)  Construction paper
2)  A 3-hole punch
3) A blank piece of paper or paper with designs, shapes, or letters on it
4) A glue stick or bottle of glue

  • Begin by having the child use both hands to punch holes in various colors of construction paper using the 3-hole punch. This is great for arm and hand strengthening. 
  • Remove the construction paper "dots" from the hole punch.
  • Take the paper with the design, shape, letter or number and have the child outline the design by gluing the "dots" onto it. This is great for fine motor skills, and especially addresses the child's pincer grasp.

  • You can also have the child use blank paper and form their own letters, shapes, numbers, or designs. Just use your imagination!
  • Have Fun!

1 comment:

  1. That's a great idea! I frequently use a single hole punch to do similar activities, but I never thought of using a three hole punch to encourage the use of both hands. Thanks for sharing!
